Title: | ISoKratia By Chris Neophytou |
URL: | http://www.isokratia.com/ |
Category: | Government, Law & Politics: Government |
Description: | Accepting the ever-lasting human ailments, Isokratia lays the foundations for the building of a system as closely compatible as it can be, to the human nature. A socio-governing system aiming for the for ever sustained betterment of all around the globe, through the continuous development of Isokratia thoughts, meeting the challenge of the evolution of human civilization. |
Meta Keywords: | accepting the ever-lasting human ailments,isokratia lays the foundations for the building of a system as closely compatible as it can be |
Meta Description: | Accepting the ever-lasting human ailments, Isokratia lays the foundations for the building of a system as closely compatible as it can be, to the human nature. A socio-governing system aiming for the for ever sustained betterment of all around the globe, through the continuous development of Isokratia thoughts, meeting the challenge of the evolution of human civilization. |
Reciprocal Link: | http://www.isokratia.com/ |
Pagerank: | 2 |