Title:Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite
Category:Computers: Graphics
Description:Blender is released under the GNU Public License, as Free Software, and therefore can be distributed by anyone freely. However, the license requires that if you distribute Blender you must also make - on request - the source code available. If you distribute Blender it is good practice to include the source code (see download section) on the CDROM as well. We request that you also mention the origin of Blender (blender.org) and inform users that they can obtain sources and support there.
Meta Keywords:3d graphics,computer web publishing tools,stand alone player,stand-alone plugin,plug-in multimedia creation,blender publisher,publishing 3-d
Meta Description:Blender is released under the GNU Public License, as Free Software, and therefore can be distributed by anyone freely. However, the license requires that if you distribute Blender you must also make - on request - the source code available. If you distribute Blender it is good practice to include the source code (see download section) on the CDROM as well. We request that you also mention the origin of Blender (blender.org) and inform users that they can obtain sources and support there.