Over the years we have been sourcing unique and distinctive furniture, and this year we have been looking into Fabric, that gives a distinctive classy look to your furniture.
There are literally thousands of different fabrics available so we set Jo to the task as she has a 1st Class Degree in Art , and her oil paintings are fantastic
The key is to locate fabric that naturally blends into the French feel, andshe has done just that with quality of eye, not only that but she also gave us a list of upholsters in the UK that would work to our high level of detail.
Ralph, never to be outdone, also put a local upholster in contact with us.
He came down, and collected a chair and said” I’ll impress you with what I can do”
Three months later, this guy has still not returned with the chair, and Ralph has “Misplaced “his Number.
I think we should check on EBay to see if our chair turns up there.
Simple and Logical
Anyway we have given Ralph the task of lobbying Local government (Hopefully he will keep a note of phone numbers this time!)
I must admit I was impressed by his idea, sometimes in life the simplest ideas are the best (No offence Ralph)
Okay here’s the deal
Our couriers collect from us on a daily basis and our furniture has a layer of corrugated cardboard and a cardboard box.
We coerce them into returning the cardboard and packing material when they collect their daily deliveries and the local council collect the cardboard once a week and recycle it .
Bearing in mind that our couriers collect over 150 consignments a week, if the customer has to dispose of the cardboard that adds at least 100 trips to the local recycling centre.
Its not rocket science (I actually have a friend who is a Rocket scientist ) but like Airbus 380 vs. Boeing 777. Ones going for Point to point and ones going for sheer volume.
Local Government can help us but are literally charging the earth for collection. |