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PR: 2
| vca, visual communication aid » visual communication aid (vca) is a company improve the quality of life of people with communication challenges with easy to use, wipe clean books that have a series of illustrated drawings to help people connect with the world around them. Suitable for the care sector and any other industry where communication is compromised. |
| voip rates comparison » Compare voip rates between more than 30 companies. Rates are updated daily automatically.Compare voip rates between more than 30 companies. Rates are updated daily automatically. |
PR: 1
| Watch UK TV Abroad Free » Watch BBC I Player, 4OD, ITV Player and Demand 5 and live TV from abroad. Connect to our fast secure servers to gain a UK IP address to bypass geoblocking. Free 30 minute trial or 24 hour trial for 99p available from our website |
PR: 4
| XRoads Networks - Unified Bandwidth Management » XRoads Networks develops Unified Bandwidth Management appliances that work as traffic shaping solutions and are focused on WAN load balancing, vpn failover, includes activedns, best path routing, and dual WAN routers or dual wan firewall. |